In Apartment Number Three Pascal presents one of his patented farcical romantic comedies: a schlubby cartoonist (named Pascal Girard, natch) and his cute, inquisitive neighbor Sandra ponder each other from afar, until one fateful day she takes matters into her own hands, with goofy and charming results. A story that could come off as creepy becomes, in Girard’s skilled hands, downright endearing. Originally drawn as a 24-hour comic in 2010, then redrawn in 2011 and published by Colosse of Montréal, this new English language edition comes to you via Spit and a Half. 28 pages, 5.5″ x 7″, black and white throughout. (Spit and a Half)
“Superlatives are an easy thing for any critic worth their salt to come up with, it’s true, but Girard’s comic is so impressive for so many reasons that it’s honestly difficult to choose which ones to apply to it.” — Ryan Carey; Read the full review at Four Color Apocalypse