AS A CARTOONIST by Noah Van Sciver

This incredible collection of recent NVS comics collects stuff from zines, anthologies, notebooks, sketchbooks etc. An amazing variety of impeccable cartooning from one of our all-time best. Incredibly, highly sooper recommended.

“Van Sciver juxtaposes fictional stories about what life as a “19th Century Cartoonist” might have looked like with a series of autobiographical strips about life as a contemporary cartoonist, along with pieces about his father and childhood that inform the path in life he has chosen. The resultant effect is a routinely funny (Van Sciver never takes himself too seriously unless it is intended for comedic effect) but also deeply relatable book that touches on some of life’s big questions, whether about the ways we measure happiness or success, the ways we often define ourselves by our careers, or ways we can sometimes lose sight of the most important things.”

100 page hardcover, 7.125″ x 10.25″, gorgeous, lush full color throughout. (Fantagraphics)


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