MESKIN AND UMEZO by Austin English

Besides single-handedly running the great Domino Books publishing house and distro, Austin English is certainly one of the most challenging and idiosyncratic American cartoonists working today. Meskin and Umezo is his latest work, over four years in the making. In it, buddies (Mort) Meskin and (Kazuo) Umezo “meet each other every week, in an attempt to pay lip service to some minimal form of communication, with wildly varying degrees of importance to either of them. On one particular meeting, a series of statements leads them to a pivotal idea. Images repeat and duplicate themselves, as do phrases and conversational contradiction, spiraling inward to an inevitable cruel (though markedly uncynical) center.” 80 perfect-bound pages, 9″ x 12″, full color throughout. (Domino Books)

Ryan Carey’s review at TCJ.


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